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Today, a century since Ora founded that first funeral home, the Snyder family strives to honor their long-standing heritage with each family they serve. Through five generations, the Snyder family’s goal has remained the same:
We take care of more details than the average funeral provider, so you can spend more time grieving & healing with your family. ♡
- Show your support - Order Flowers We offer a variety of arrangements delivered directly from a local florist to help comfort and support those who need it the most. Shop Now
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Snyder Funeral Homes, Bellville Butler Chapel
81 Mill Rd, Bellville, Ohio 44813
(419) 886-2491
Snyder Funeral Homes, Stombaugh Batton Chapel
225 West Findlay St, Carey, Ohio 43316
(419) 396-7520
Snyder Rodman Funeral Center
101 Valleyside Dr,Delaware, Ohio 43015
(740) 362-1611
Snyder Funeral Homes, Fredericktown Chapel
33 East College St, Fredericktown, Ohio 43019
(740) 694-4006
Snyder Funeral Homes, Richardson Davis Chapel
218 South Market St,Galion, Ohio 44833
(419) 468-1424
Snyder Funeral Homes, Lindsey Chapel
123 North Market St, Loudonville, Ohio 44842
(419) 994-3030
Snyder Funeral Homes, Lexington Ave Chapel
2553 Lexington Ave,Mansfield, Ohio 44904
(419) 884-1711
Snyder Funeral Homes, Finefrock Chapel
350 Marion Ave,Mansfield, Ohio 44903
(419) 525-4411
Snyder Funeral Homes, Denzer Chapel
360 East Center St, Marion, Ohio 43302
(740) 387-9136
Snyder Funeral Homes, Gunder Hall Chapel
347 West Center St, Marion, Ohio 43302
(740) 382-3612
Snyder Funeral Homes, Ingram Chapel
975 North Maple St, Marysville, Ohio 43040
(937) 642-4861
Snyder Funeral Homes, Craven Chapel
67 North Main St, Mount Gilead, Ohio 43338
(419) 946-3040
Snyder Funeral Homes, Dowds Chapel
201 Newark Rd, Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050
(740) 393-1076
Snyder Funeral Homes, Flowers Chapel
619 East High St, Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050
(740) 392-6956
Snyder Funeral Homes, Lasater Chapel
11337 Upper Gilchrist Rd, Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050
(740) 392-0005
Snyder Funeral Homes, DeVore Chapel
637 State Route 61, Sunbury, Ohio 43074
(740) 965-3936
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